Tuesday, April 23, 2013

6hr Mini Angler

  My very first 6hr race ever, which will go down as a great and terrible race.  After my last incident at Danville I wanted revenge! Me and my teammate, Allen, signed up for the Angler's ridge 6hr race in Danville.  I've done events that lasted longer then 6 hours, but never done a lap based endurance race so this would be a learning experience. Even with this I told my wife I intended to get on a podium!

Blackwater tent setup and ready to go.
 Me, my wife and Allen meet up early in the morning to drive down and meet my dad in Danville.  The weather was way colder then we had expected but perfect for a racing.  I was on a test Epic from Blackwater Bikes since some upgrades to mine had gone wrong and were taking way longer than expected. I quickly did some seat/shock settings and do a quick test spin around the green way. Then it was time to line up!

And we're off!
Off the get go the top ten or so riders took off at a heck of a fast pace. I held back not knowing what my pace should be for a six hour race.  I settled in behind what would be the winning female rider and we yo-yoed back and forth for the first couple laps.  Seemed every time I would get ahead and have a bit of a lead on her, the chain on the front would jump off the outside forcing me to stop and fix it.  On the plus side the trails were dry even though they had gotten rain the day before.

The first four laps went good but I started to lose motivation as there were no rider in sight ahead or behind me.  I figured I was probably in 6th or lower place and figured that's where I would stay. As I came around to hand off my bottle to my wife she informed me that I was actually in 3rd place. Sweet I was on a podium! This lite a fire under me wanting to make sure I didn't lose that spot and hoping to catch second place.
       On lap six I spotted a rider ahead that looks like he might be the second place rider. It was hard to tell the solo riders vs those doing duo.  I was slowly making progress on him when he had to stop at the top of a hill for a break. I got ahead and knew that the race was starting to take his toll on him. He seemed to be able to stay with me after he stopped for a minute. I didn't want to slow down thru the start/finish area so he wouldn't get back ahead of me. This would turn out to be my undoing.

  My original hydration plan was the same as what I'd done in previous endurance events. A 70oz Camelbak of water and a bottle of infiniti drink mix only stopping every 3rd or 4th lap. After the first couple laps I realized it would be much quicker to just use the bottle. My wife was acting as pit crew for us and could pass a bottle off much quicker then me stopping to fill the camelback. Also by using mainly drink mix I could get all of my calories/electrolytes with worrying about eating. On the way down we had discussed how I suck at drinking from bottles while riding and the shock on the epic gets in the way when trying to get bottles back in a standard cage.  At the end of lap 6 my wife passed off a bottle to me like a pro. I took a drink and then tried to put it into the cage fumbling it into my foot. For some reason I brake, of course with the front since my left hand was the only one on the bars. Down I went straight into the course gravel and asphalt in the dumbest crash ever. I jumped up as quick as I could telling everyone running to help that I was OK. Ok is a relative thing, I could see that a big chunk of skin under my knee was ripped back and cuts covered my knee.  I was determined to not have another DNF in Danville and get a podium finish.

Bleeding but still rolling.
       My arm and knee were killing me and I could feel blood running down my leg but I kept pedaling.  The rider I had passed earlier had taken another break so I knew all I had to do was hold on for another couple laps and I would get my second place. The next couple laps were hard to focus but I pressed on being glad that the cutoff was 4:30pm and I wouldn't have to do another lap. I got my second place finish with 58miles in 5hr 38mins.
Yay a podium!
Allen came in 3rd in the Single speed class. They all were some crazy fast guys all getting in 9 laps.

The "medic" on site helped me clean up the wounds on my knee and taped down the big chunk of skin that was ripped out. She said they probably couldn't do anything with stitches and should be ok. I had a feeling she didn't clean it out good enough and probably taping that skin back in was a bad idea. Sure enough two days later it looked terrible so I went to the urgent care place. It was infected and they cut the skin out and found gravel still in the wound. My knee is swollen and I'll be off any type of bike for a while and even longer before I'm back in the woods. Lessons learned, use side load cages and take my time. I have to give credit to my wife getting us bottles handed off so quickly. Without it I would have been 3rd or lower in the standings.

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